Directions for pharmaceutical system reform from the European path perspective of the Republic of Moldova
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The directions for reforming the pharmaceutical system from the perspective of the European path of the Republic of Moldova constituted topics of discussion at a scientific-practical conference organized by Vasile Procopisin Department of Social Pharmacy, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy.
The scientific forum was organized on April 28 this year in a mixed format, in memory of two outstanding personalities in the field of local pharmaceutical sciences: university professor Vasile Procopisin - known as the Patriarch of Moldovan pharmacy, Habilitated Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, and Associate Professor Nadejda Ciobanu, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences
In the opening of the event, Associate Professor Stela Adauji, head of Vasile Procopisin Department of Social Pharmacy, stressed that the work of the conference would generate wonderful results, to be applied later to enhance assistance and provide quality pharmaceutical services, for the integration into the EU of the pharmaceutical system that is part of the national health system.
First vice-rector Olga Cernetchi, vice-rector for didactic activity, addressed a message of gratitude to her predecessors, who, after gaining independence, became aware of the European vector of development, primarily as regards medical and pharmaceutical education. Thus, in 1992, our university, in association with the Ministry of Health, implemented residency studies - a form of postgraduate training – for the first time among the countries of the post-Soviet space. Over the years, all elements have been brought in line with the EU requirements: the legislation in the field, the educational programs, and the educational process. “Accession to the EU requires the amendment and implementation of legislation, including in the pharmaceutical field. Even if some changes were made in the relevant legislation along the way, other actions are still needed as regards restructuring of the pharmaceutical system, the social responsibility of both pharmacists and the entire system, increasing the prestige of the pharmacist in the society”, specified the first vice-rector.
In other news, Professor Olga Cernetchi noted that most of those who knew the two personalities were grateful to them for their initiation into the profession and for their professional career, stressing that if you wanted to build a future for yourself, you must know history well.
"I am proud that I had the opportunity to work side by side with Vasile Procopisin, the longest-serving dean of the University, from whose valuable experience I learned many things. For her part, Nadejda Ciobanu promoted among students the respect for the profession and the history of pharmacy", mentioned Associate Professor Nicolae Ciobanu, the current dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy. At the same time, he has emphasized that nowadays students will soon implement the new directions for reforming the country’s pharmaceutical system.
In the opinion of Ion Zgircu, president of the Association of Pharmacists from the Republic of Moldova, the theme of the conference is a topical one, the European course being the direction we are heading towards, and the pharmaceutical system must adapt to the new requirements. "In this context, we welcome the presence of Romanian colleagues, we can learn from their experience in the field and discuss with them the development prospects", added the head of the association.
Ion Dodon, president of the National Health Insurance Company (NHIC), stressed that the organizers of the conference proposed to address a topical issue for the development of the pharmaceutical system in Moldova in the context of European integration. "We have a close collaboration with the Department of Social Pharmacy, with the University in general and with the members of the specialized commissions. An action that we must carry out together is the E-prescription information system, which is currently being developed, this system being implemented in almost all EU member countries. It will provide convenience for the patient, facilitate the work of the doctor and the pharmacist, as well as contribute to the discipline and accountability of all subjects involved in the process", concluded the NHIC representative.
The event brought together over 240 pharmacists, including from Romanian and Ukrainian pharmacy faculties, as well as specialists in related fields. Participants had the opportunity to present the results of scientific research conducted during the last two years of activity and to exchange experience and new ideas for the development of pharmaceutical practice.
The commemorative scientific conference was organized with the support of the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Nicolae Testemitanu University, in partnership with the Discipline of Management, Marketing and Pharmaceutical Legislation of Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Bucharest, Romania, and the Association of Pharmacists from the Republic of Moldova.
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