O jucărie aduce bucurie!
- 145 просмотров
În perioada 2 martie-1 aprilie 2015, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie ”Nicolae Testemițanu” desfășoară campania ”O jucărie aduce bucurie”.
Astfel, studenții, rezidenții și angajații Universității sunt îndemnați să doneze jucării pentru copiii internați la Institutul Oncologic din capitală, pentru a le aduce o mică bucurie acestor micuți. Darurile vor fi transmise în data de 7 aprilie, când este marcată Ziua Mondială a Sănătății.
Jucăriile vor fi colectate la Departamentul Comunicare și Relații Publice (DCRP), Blocul didactic central, biroul 117, între orele 8:00-18:00.
Acțiunea este organizată la inițiativa studenților de la Facultatea de Medicină nr. 2, în contextul campaniei ”Dăruiește pentru viață”, desfășurată anual de către DCRP.
From the 2nd of March till the 1st of April, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy organizes the campaign under the name “A toy means a joy”.
The medical students, residents and the whole staff of the University are welcome to donate toys to the children who stay in the Institute of Oncology (Chisinau) by making them happier in this way. The presents will be given to these children on April 7, 2015, when it is celebrated The World Health Day.
You can bring the toys to the Communication and Public Relations Department, Central Building, office 117, between 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
The initiative of organizing this event belongs to the students of the Faculty of Medicine no 2, in the context of the campaign “Give for life” organized yearly by the Department.
From the 2nd of March till the 1st of April, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy organizes the campaign under the name “A toy means a joy”.
The medical students, residents and the whole staff of the University are welcome to donate toys to the children who stay in the Institute of Oncology (Chisinau) by making them happier in this way. The presents will be given to these children on April 7, 2015, when it is celebrated The World Health Day.
You can bring the toys to the Communication and Public Relations Department, Central Building, office 117, between 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
The initiative of organizing this event belongs to the students of the Faculty of Medicine no 2, in the context of the campaign “Give for life” organized yearly by the Department.
From the 2nd of March till the 1st of April, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy organizes the campaign under the name “A toy means a joy”.
The medical students, residents and the whole staff of the University are welcome to donate toys to the children who stay in the Institute of Oncology (Chisinau) by making them happier in this way. The presents will be given to these children on April 7, 2015, when it is celebrated The World Health Day.
You can bring the toys to the Communication and Public Relations Department, Central Building, office 117, between 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
The initiative of organizing this event belongs to the students of the Faculty of Medicine no 2, in the context of the campaign “Give for life” organized yearly by the Department.
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