Rector Emil Ceban - doctor honoris causa of George Emil Palade Târgu Mureș University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology
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The Rector of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy from the Republic of Moldova, Professor Emil Ceban, was awarded the high academic title of Doctor Honoris Causa of George Emil Palade Targu Mures University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology (UMPHST), Romania. The solemn ceremony took place on December 9 this year as part of UMPHST Days event.
The festivity was moderated by the President of the University Senate, Professor Horațiu Suciu, who felt truly honored to address a prestigious personality in the field of medical sciences - Emil Ceban, Rector and friend of Târgu Mureș University of Medicine. "Through his scientific, didactic, and professional contribution, he convinced and determined the University Senate to award him the highest honorary distinction of our academic community - doctor honoris causa - as a recognition of the merits of an exceptional activity," stated the President of the Senate.
The Rector of George Emil Palade UMPHST, professor Leonard Azamfirei, has specified that the mission of a university is to highlight the merits of outstanding academics. "Personalities who receive the high title become members of the UMPHST academic community, and our purpose is to become colleagues, friends so that what separates us can unite us forever in the near future. Apart from today, the interuniversity relations and the history that unites us, there are the bonds between people. People can set in motion the institutions and not the other way around. The University Senate’s gesture proves that you have a valuable scientific potential and, at the same time, we represent intellectually and culturally twinned institutions", underlined Rector Azamfirei.
In Laudatio, Prof. Dr. Martha Orsolya-Katalin-Ilona presented Rector Emil Ceban as an exceptional personality. "Today's event can be appreciated as a happy occasion to pay homage to science and, at the same time, follows the beautiful academic tradition of recognizing the valuable contribution of Professor Emil Ceban – a well-known name in medical sciences in the last thirty years, a famous specialist in the field of urology and a scientific researcher, a talented and charismatic educator, an efficient manager as vice-rector and, currently, as Rector of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova. His Excellency has proved himself a passionate initiator and supporter of relations between local and foreign institutions and scientists. This was possible only through work, devotion, vocation and perseverance", the Romanian professor underlined.
In his turn, Professor Emil Ceban, obviously touched, expressed his gratitude for the high title awarded by the UMPHST Senate, mentioning that through this gesture the entire academic community of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy from the Republic of Moldova was highly appreciated. "The collaboration between our institutions is a sustainable and open one, with common development objectives. At the same time, we are aware of the fact that we have the same historical roots, culture and language, and all these together can ensure the perpetuation of our identity", the professor stressed.
Rector Ceban has emphasized that “our institution has always felt the sisterly support of Romanian universities which have contributed substantially to the medical and pharmaceutical higher education development in Moldova by providing specialized literature in Romanian. Academic mobility, information and documentation visits, pedagogical and linguistic internships of the teaching and scientific-didactic staff from all medical and pharmaceutical disciplines had an important role in this regard as well. Furthermore, we should mention the joint organization of scientific events and the establishment of specialized scientific councils for defending PhD and Doctor Habilitated theses, including through co-tutoring. You have offered us logistical and methodological support, for which we will always be grateful."
At the end of the event, Professor Emil Ceban emphasized that the good traditions of cooperation, inherited from our predecessors and enriched by the young generations, had acquired new dimensions as regards the consolidation of efforts directed towards the same vector and the same common and noble cause - protecting human health.
Nicolae Testemitanu University and George Emil Palade UMPHST have been cooperating in the field of medicine and pharmacy for about three decades.
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