The theoretical courses and practical works in the hygienic disciplines were initiated by doctors of medical science F. Avraman, V. Iachim, V. Vangheli, I. Hăbăşescu. The founder of the didactic-scientific school of the Department is Iacov Reznik - Doctor Habilitated in Medical Sciences, university professor, Scientist Emeritus. Over the years, the didactic and scientific activity in Environmental Hygiene was carried out by the following employees: PhD in medical sciences A. Discalenco, C. Sedâkin, assistants A. Daşanu and V. Bortă, PhD in medical sciences, Associate Professor M. Ojovan, Doctor Habilitated in Medical Sciences, university professor Gr. Friptuleac, Associate Professor V. Băbălău, PhD in medical sciences, senior lecturer N. Zimniţa; PhD in medical sciences, Associate Professor S. Cebanu; in Occupational Hygiene – by PhD in medical sciences, Associate Professors D. Rusnac, V. Chicu, Gh. Sprânceanu, assistant N. Marian, Doctor Habilitated in Medical Sciences, university professor V. Vangheli, assistants V. Macovei, V. Vozian, R. Russu, and Associate Professor V. Meşină. Then professor Gr. Friptuleac, Associate Professors M. Moraru, V. Băbălău, S. Cebanu joined their colleagues; in Food Hygiene - doctors of medical sciences, Associate Professors U. Jalbă and A. Chirlici, assistant R. Căldare, Associate Professor C. Râmiş, assistant Vl. Rubanovici; in Child and Adolescent Hygiene - assistants A. Guţul, V. Socolov, doctor of medical sciences, Associate Professor Maria Moraru, Angela Cazacu-Stratu, assistant. The founder of the Department is Vasile Iachim, PhD in medical sciences, Associate Professor, who led it until 1986. Between 1986 and 1988, M. Ojovan, PhD in medical sciences, Associate Professor, headed the Department. Between 1988 and 1997, the Department was fronted by Victor Vangheli, Doctor Habilitated in Medical Sciences, university professor, since 1999 – by Doctor Habilitated in Medical Sciences, university professor Gr. Friptuleac.
In September 2020, by merging two departments - General Hygiene and Hygiene - the Department of Preventive Medicine of Nicolae Testemitanu University was established (headed by Serghei Cebanu - doctor of medical science, Associate Professor), the Hygiene Discipline being set up as part thereof (headed by Ion Bahnarel - Doctor Habilitated in medical sciences, university professor). The 2 departments operated in parallel and pursued different goals - the first aimed to train students of the faculties of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy in matters of hygiene and disease prevention, the second - to train staff for the Public Health Service. Each of these departments has its own history.
The department of General Hygiene was founded in 1945. The first head of the department was Professor Kristofor Nicogosean, Doctor Habilitated in Medical Sciences, Scientist Emeritus. He had led the department until 1957, being succeeded by Associate Professor A. Zorin (1957 - 1960) and professor I. Reznik (1960 - 1979). Professor Iacov Reznik also held the position of President of the Scientific Society of Hygienists of the Republic and member of the Society of Hygienists of the USSR, university professor, Scientist Emeritus of the Republic of Moldova. In 1975, the General Hygiene department was divided. One of the departments, headed by university professor Henrieta Rudi, was intended for students of the faculties of General Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy, the other, led by university professor Iacov Reznik - for the students of Preventive Medicine and Pediatrics faculties. In 1979, the chairs were merged into one, headed by university professor Henrieta Rudi. University professor Henrieta Rudi supervised the development of two Doctor Habilitated theses and two PhD disserations in medical science. In 1992, the General Hygiene Department was divided again. Hygiene Department No. 1 led by university professor Henrieta Rudi ensured the teaching of General Hygiene at General Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy faculties. Department No. 2, headed by Associate Professor, doctor of medicine Gh. Ostrofeţ, teached Hygiene at the Faculty of Preventive Medicine.
In 1994, Departments No. 1 and No. 2 were merged again and formed the General Hygiene Department under the leadership of Associate Professor Gh. Ostrofet, who in 2000 defended his Doctor Habilitated thesis in medical sciences and established a new scientific school - Studying the professional pathologies of women working at video terminals in the main branches of telecommunications. He was the scientific leader of four doctoral theses in medicine.
Teaching of hygienic discilplines began in 1966 at the Faculty of Preventive Medicine (former Faculty of Hygiene and Sanitation) in the form of courses on environmental hygiene (communal), occupational hygiene, food hygiene and hygiene of children and adolescents, organized by the Department of General Hygiene. Subsequently, the courses operated independently under the leadership of the dean of the faculty Vasile Iachim.
The theoretical courses and practical works in the hygienic disciplines were founded, respectively, by the doctors of medicine F. Avraman, V. Iachim, V. Vangheli, and I. Hăbăşescu. The founder of the didactic-scientific school of the department is Iacov Reznik - Doctor Habilitated in medical sciences, university professor, Scientist Emeritus.
In 2010, Ion Bahnarel, Professor Emeritus of the Republic of Moldova, holder of the order Glory of Labour, Order of Honour, National Award of the Government of the Republic of Moldova (2015), President of the Society of Hygienists from the Republic of Moldova, was appointed head of the General Hygiene Department. He is the supervisor / consultant for 12 doctoral theses, including 6 already defended. The current research direction of the department resides in The impact of environmental factors on the health of the population. Under the leadership of professor Ion Bahnarel, new directions were developed and implemented in the following fields: ionizing and non-ionizing radiation hygiene, human habitat hygiene, chemical hygiene and toxicology, occupational stress, public health emergency hygiene, occupational hygiene of doctors of different specialties, nutrition bases and dietetics, the elderly nutrition, nutrition during the heat wave, psychohygiene, etc. From 2010 to 2020, the following staff members have been involved in the activity of the General Hygiene Department:
Ion Bahnarel - head of discipline, university professor, Doctor Habilitated in medical sciences; Gheorghe Ostrofeţ - university professor, Doctor Habilitated in medical sciences; Ovidiu Tafuni, Aliona Serbulenco, Aliona Tihon, Cătălina Croitoru, Elena Ciobanu, Lili Groza, Larisa Migali - Associate Professors, doctors of medical sciences; Nicolai Pascal, Natalia Bivol, Alexandru Garbuz, Radu Rusu, Olga Cenelev, (PhD) - assistants. In the last 20 years, 2 Doctor Habilitated theses and 9 PhD dissertations in medical sciences have been defended in the General Hygiene area.
The staff of the Department of General Hygiene participated in the implementation of important national and international projects. Among them are: STEPS - 2013; Radon - 2016; Activation of measures for the preparation of the Fourth National Communication (NC4) and the First Biennial Update Report (ICRS) under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (2014-2017); Assessment of traditional bread processing and baking methods and air pollution in rural households in Armenia and Moldova (2015); Study of the health status of the population in relation to water quality in rural areas of the Republic of Moldova (2015); National Public Health Strategy - 2016; Bilateral project AUF-MECC Creation of interdisciplinary research centers and networks for young researchers in the Republic of Moldova (2019-2021); Interdisciplinary and interinstitutional cooperation in the field of human health in the context of climate change (2020), etc. Over the last 25 years, employees of the General Hygiene Department have developed 21 monographs, 17 manuals and have published over 1000 articles and scientific paper summaries, collections of works, methodical materials.
The Department of Hygiene was established on June 15, 1977, by bringing together the courses on environmental, occupational, food, children and adolescents hygiene. The founder of the department is Vasile Iachim, doctor of medical sciences, Associate Professor, who led it until 1986.
Between 1986–1988, the Department was headed by M. Ojovan, doctor of medical sciences, Associate Professor, between 1988-1997 - by Victor Vangheli, Doctor Habilitated in Medical Sciences, university professor, during 1999-2016 - by Grigore Friptuleac, Doctor Habilitated in Medical Sciences, university professor, and from 2016 to 2020 – by Serghei Cebanu, doctor of medical sciences, Associate Professor.
Over the years, the well-functioning of the didactic and scientific process was ensured by doctors of medical science A. Discalenco, C. Sedâkin, assistants A. Daşanu and V. Bortă, PhD in medical sciences, Associate Professor M. Ojovan, Doctor Habiliated in medical sciences, university professor Gr. Friptuleac, Associate Professor V. Băbălău, PhD in medical sciences, senior lecturer N. Zimniţa, Associate Professor, PhD in medical sciences S. Cebanu in Environmental Hygiene; by doctors of medical sciences, Associate Professors: D. Rusnac, V. Chicu, Gh. Sprânceanu, assistant N. Marian, Doctor Habilitated in Medical Sciences, university professor V. Vangheli, assistants V. Macovei, V. Vozian, doctors of medical sciences, Associate Professors Raisa Russu, V. Meşină, later joined by university professor Gr. Friptuleac, Associate Professor, PhD, Maria Moraru, Associate Professor V. Băbălău, and Associate Professor, PhD, S. Cebanu in Occupational Hygiene; by doctors of medical sciences, Associate Professors U. Jalbă and A. Chirlici, assistant R. Căldare, PhD in medical sciences, Associate Professor C. Râmiş, and Associate Professor, PhD, Vl. Rubanovici in Food Hygiene; by doctor of medical sciences, assistant A. Guţul, Associate Professor. V. Socolov, PhD in medical sciences, Associate Professor Maria Moraru, PhD in medical sciences, Associate Professor Angela Cazacu-Stratu for Children and Adolescents Hygiene.
Two Doctor Habilitated theses in medical sciences have been completed and defended at the department by: V. Vangheli in 1990; Gr. Friptuleac in 2001. Seven PhD disserations in medical sciences have been developed by C. Râmiş - in 2001, Raisa Russu - in 2003, Eudochia Tcaci - in 2003, V. Meşină - in 2007, S. Cebanu - in 2008, Iu. Pânzaru - in 2009, Cazacu-Stratu Angela - in 2011, and Vl. Rubanovici - in 2016. The collaborators of the department are the authors of 12 monographs, 11 textbooks, 15 editions of hygiene training books for the population.
Starting with 1995, the department developed and published about 1000 articles and scientific summaries, manuals, collections of works, methodological materials. Professor Gr. Friptuleac has trained 10 doctors of medical sciences, being the winner of F.F. Erisman award, the laureate of Health Awards Gala, Professor Emeritus, the Knight of the Order Glory of Labour.
Between 1995-1997, collaborators of the department (V. Vangheli, Gr. Friptuleac, R. Russu) worked on the Moldovan-American project Risk estimation and risk management. In the years 2002 - 2003 the collaborators of the department were involved in the Moldovan-American research and development project Indoor air quality and children's health. Since 2003, Gr. Friptuleac has been participating in the European Union project Health promotion and disease prevention. These projects allowed the establishment of international relations and the acquisition of high performance devices: 1 spectrophotometer with atomic absorption, 1 Air Quality monitor. Department employees (S. Cebanu, A. Cazacu-Stratu, Vl. Rubanovici) worked under the EU / TACIS / UNICEF / MET projects Rapid assessment of residential child care institutions in the Republic of Moldova (2007) and the independent project for young researchers Hygienic assessment of the training and residential environment of students with chronic lung disease in rural areas (2009 - 2011).
The Department participated in the implementation of TEMPUS project Master's Programs in Public Health and Social Services (2010 - 2013), which resulted in the development of a new postgraduate training program through residency adjusted to European requirements. Between 2012-2015, the GEOHealth project One Health Center for Environmental and Occupational Research started, with the aim of creating a Health Center for environmental and health research in partnership with 11 other university centers and 16 public health institutions from other 7 countries from Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
Other international projects implemented with the participation of the Hygiene Department staff are as follows - Estonian-Moldovan cooperation in sports medicine for promoting European standard in medical education (2013 - 2015), Estonian-Moldovan cooperation for quality improvement in rehabilitation and sports medicine service according to European standard: stage II "86-2017A (2017 - 2018), COST Action CA 16216 Network on the Coordination and Harmonization of European Occupational Cohorts (OMEGA-NET) (2017 - 2021), International Collaboration to increase Traumatic Brain Injury Surveillance in Europe (INITIatE), (2017 - 2019), Increasing Capacity in Research in Eastern Europe (ICREATE), (2016 - 2021).
In 1992, the Hygiene and Epidemiology Department of the Doctor Refresher Training Faculty was set up. It was fronted by Nicolae Opopol - Doctor Habilitated in medical sciences, university professor, corresponding member of the ASM. The teaching staff of this department worked side by side with the collaborators of the National Scientific-Practical Center of Preventive Medicine and with the other hygiene departments, solving major issues related to hygiene and public health consolidation. N. Opopol trained 2 Doctors Habilitated (Gr. Friptuleac and I. Bahnarel) and 13 doctors in medicine in hygiene issues, determining factors in various pathologies and toxicology. Professor Nicolae Opopol is Knight of Glory of Labor Order. In 2010 the Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology was included into the Department of Hygiene. The principles of developing the courses, completing the minutes, and carrying out the scientific-practical works, etc. were unified. Since 1996, the postgraduate training of medical staff occurs through residency.
Important complex scientific works have been carried out in hygiene, work physiology, as regards the study of workers' health in viticulture, fruit and vegetable growing, etheric plants cultivation and primary processing, in stone quarries, construction factories, vegetable and fruits preservation factories, during work at computers, the influence of ionizing radiation etc. Significant investigations have been conducted in the hygiene and toxicology of pesticides and in the rationalization of the diet of vulnerable population categories. Currently, the Hygiene discipline conducts complex research on the factors that determine the health of urban and rural population (professional, ecological, food, etc.). The training of young staff is performed through residency, master's and doctoral studies, training courses, self-training, with emphasis on learning foreign languages. Hygiene is taught in 4 languages.
Currently, the Hygiene Discipline is endowed with modern devices, laboratory equipment, teaching materials necessary for the didactic and scientific process: gas chromatograph, sound level meter, atomic absorption spectrophotometer, equipment for physiological investigations, Air Quality monitor (AQ - 500). The creation of the discipline allowed the improvement of both the material base and the methodological process, the integration of the teaching of the hygienic disciplines.
The Hygiene discipline team initiates and organizes scientific, thematic conferences, hygienists' congresses, participates in the meetings of specialized commissions, collaborates with scientific and didactic institutions from Bucharest, Iaşi, Timişoara, Târgu-Mureş, Chernivtsi, Kiev, Permi, Moscow, Norfolk (US).
The student scientific circle under the Hygiene discipline performs scientific-practical works in all fields of hygiene to be further used in the activity of public health centers. Students participate with reports at student conferences, where they received diplomas and awards on numerous occasions.
Employees of the Hygiene discipline participate in the attestation of the scientific and practical staff, give lectures and practical application lessons at the continuing education courses, and contribute to the organizational, methodical and practical work of the National Agency for Public Health.
The staff of the Hygiene discipline pursues high goals in health promotion and health education, in implementing the basic principles of healthy eating and nutrition, in achieving the European provisions on occupational health, etc.